Field employees participate in lots and lots of conference calls. For one thing, we are just that: FIELD employees. People who do 99% of their job out visiting clients, or in an office they've scrabbled together in their home, vs. being the home office, or HQ. (My plushy office consists of a u-shaped Ikea desk set up in what we affectionately call the "bonus room". It is actually a huge room filled with an enourmous assortment of brightly colored plastic toys, a suspicious looking handed down "hideaway bed" couch, and the Wii.)
I digress. In order to keep in touch with what's happening in our area, region, and of course at HQ, which is on the other side of the country, we participate in conference calls.
Lots of them.
You could have a full time job doing those things.
More on that later....I've got to go dial in for guessed it.